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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Tree , Better or Worse!?!?

Blueposters mentioned that the Druid's Tree Form mechanic will change as cataclysm show up , at the moment they talked that the new one will be :

1- A cool down based form , such as the Warlock's Metamorphosis.
2- As the Warlock's Metamorphosis grants the caster new Demonic abilities such as charging ,and the part it makes his shadow attacks hit harder , this Druid's new Tree Form will enchant the current spells , which makes it very situational , as you wont have it on always ; but only when needed.

Blueposters talked about the fact of druids not enjoying their armor look , because you would never see a druid healing a raid out of Tree Form , as it enchants Druid's healing , as the model of Tree Form well become some sort of cool looking as it was mentioned.

Some Blueposter mentioned that druids during the new Tree Form , will have those effects on
their spells :

1- Instant Rejuvenation . O.o
2- Life bloom will instantly stack by 2 .

Until now , thats what we know , so what you think ?


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