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Friday, April 30, 2010

AQ - Remade Raid for cata

Many rumors say that the known Vanilla raid Ahn'Qiraj will be remade in cata , yet its not sure to be ready when cata hits online , but it could be on some major patch.

As Cho'gall is going to have some nice role in cataclysm as mentioned on wowwiki and his clan as well, as it is lore-wise the part that Chog'all began the resurrection of his new master, the Old God C'Thun, monstrously deforming the ogre's body in the process , so C'Thun is a boss in the temple of AQ , so mostly seems it is going to be a new AQ ... so make sure you have the achievement now , as it will surely become a Feat Of Strength when the new major content patch after cata goes alive :).

Quotes :
"It is possible that Cho'gall might play a bigger or minor role in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion, as he is one of the servants of the Old Gods like Deathwing (primary antagonist of the expansion), as his clan will be playing a large role in the expansion as well"

Links :'gall (wowwiki)


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